Horween tannery stamp inside a wallet
horween leather

What Is Horween Leather? What Makes It So Special?

Horween leather has been synonymous with unparalleled quality for over a century — “For more than 100 years and five generations our goal has been to make the world's best leather.”

aniline leatherA man rolling out a large tube of aniline leather

Aniline Leather 101: What is Aniline Leather and Why Should You Care?

When you consider high-quality leathers, your mind may go to different grades of leather. Or you may think about the many reasons we’ve chosen to use Horween Leather over leather created by other c...

Chromexcel LeatherHow Safe is Chromexcel Leather? Popov Leather Safety Guide | Popov Leather

How Safe is Chromexcel Leather? Popov Leather Safety Guide

Every once in a while, a customer will reach out and ask if our leather is toxic or if it’s bad for the environment. This has become more prevalent in recent years as the leather industry, as a who...

Horween LeatherWhy Should You Choose a Leather Collar for Your Pet? | Popov Leather

Why Should You Choose a Leather Collar for Your Pet?

As a responsible pet owner, you know that it’s a good idea to have a collar for your pet.  Dog collars make it easier to take dogs on walks around the neighborhood. Leash laws may even make having ...